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Vesta Consult offers vocational interpreting for whatever events with international participation, business meetings, training sessions, educative trips, notarized deals and others from and into all languages, including also the official languages of the European Union.

Interpreting is divided into two basic kinds – consecutive and simultaneous.

Consecutive interpreting is the kind of interpreting work done by one interpreter, during some event. At it, the speaker awaits the interpreter. Most often, it is used for meetings, negotiations, some types of short presentations and seminars, press conferences, telephone conversations and others.

Simultaneous interpreting or interpreting in a cabin with equipment is this kind of interpreting in the course of which most often two interpreters take part. In this case, a speaker does not await a translator. Most often, it is used for presentations, seminars, press conferences, television and radio broadcasts in real time and so on.

Vesta Consult

Vesta Consult