Company Registration

This service includes:


  • An initial consultation on the type of a company and concomitant documentation.
  • The preparation of documents about the registration of a company. After that, they are presented to a Client, who can comment on them or may demand changes, corrections or addition of data.
  • The preservation of a company name.
  • Accompanying to a notary public for the certification of documents.
  • The preparation of documents about the opening of a fund
  • Raising account with a bank, selected by a Client.
  • Assistance at the opening of an account, if necessary.
  • The appointment of a manager.
  • The drawing-up of a contract for a commercial manager(s) and / or a procurator(s)
  • The payment of state fees for company registration. - The filing of documents with the Registry Agency.
  • We can provide assistance at the ordering of a seal, if you wish, with a company logo of a client.
  • After a company is registered, a Client gets a valid certificate of finalized registration and current status, issued by the Registry Agency.
  • If the registration of a company with a foreign shareholder becomes necessary, we can assist with the translation and legalization of all necessary documents, as we shall take care of the preparation of documents about registration in different languages for convenience of our Client, as well as we shall render assistance at the issue of a Personal code for social security contributions of a foreigner at the National Revenue Agency.

The Client explicitly chooses what he wants to be included in the service and gets an individual offer according to the type of a company, the number of partners, the presence or not of a foreign shareholder in a company, as well as we consider other specific features.