A "Payroll" Package


lichen sqstav

•We prepare for signing employment contracts with your new employees. For this purpose, an employee submits a written application to be appointed to work, as we store its copy or original. We check whether one has presented the other necessary documents for the start of work. According to the kind of a company line of business, they can vary, but broadly speaking, are: a medical document, a diploma of completed education, a certificate of previous conviction(s)/a clean criminal record and a record of service.

•We announce the labor contract and subsequent amendments made at the National Revenue Agency (NRA) under the valid labor and social security legislation and notify the Client (respectively, his assistant) and the new employee about the date from which one should start work.

•We check whether one has signed the notification from NRA about the start of work and whether one has got a copy of a labor contract, of the notification from NRA, a copy of the job description and of the rules for workplace discipline of a business entity. In case of such have not been given to a new employee, we remind a Client and its team of the applicable normative requirements. In this way, we protect You and Your business from omissions and we inform you about possible risks;

•Every month, we draw up and file Statements Form 1 and 6 with NRA, as they contain information about calculated and paid work salaries, as well as about calculated and paid-in health insurance and social security contributions.

•Before giving this information to public administration, a Client gets information about the amount of every salary of every member of his team individually in the form of payroll slips and information about the total amount of work salaries and health insurance and social security contributions, as well as the deadline (according to normative requirements), until which they must be transferred. It gives you an opportunity to plan more easily your budget.

•We draw up payroll ledgers and check whether all employees have signed on them under the normative requirements of valid Bulgarian legislation. If signatures are missing, we notify the Client about the persons, who should get signed and about which period.

•We draw up documents about the transfer of work salaries into bank and card accounts.

•We draw up payments orders for the due taxes and health insurance and social security contributions on the part of your company.

•We draw up payments orders for the health insurance and social security contributions of the partners in a company.

•We process sick leave certificates, as we write a letter of notification to the National Social Security Institute.

•We issue official certificates of insurance length of service and age, of insurance income, of child benefits and so on.

•We calculate additional payments and compensations upon the leaving of a staff under employment contract.

•We drawn up pension certificates, using forms 2 and 3 (UP 2 and UP 3).

•We maintain records of a staff under employment and freelance contracts and we can give you information about past years, whenever you want.


paketni uslugi

The number of a staff Price per an employed person
A staff up to 40 persons 16 euro per an employed person
A staff up to 60 persons 13 euro per an employed person
A staff up to 90 persons 12 euro per an employed person
A staff up to 100 persons 10 euro per an employed person
A staff over 100 persons Prices are subject to negotiations.

In additional to all these things, you get absolutely free of charge:

• Consultations on labor and social security issues, associated with your line of business and with the employment and dismissal of a staff – up to 2 hours monthly!

•Mediation in case of a conflict in the relations Worker-employer;

• You get a “Loyal Client” discount, if you entrust more than one company to us.

IMPORTANT! All other services are subject to additional negotiations!
