Annual Close of Accounts

Year-end closing proceeds at several different stages, which find an objective form in written documents. After taking into consideration all necessary accounting records of reporting on company revenues generated and expenses made during the reporting financial year, the specialists of Vesta Consult Accounting House should perform finalizing operations, must determine company profits made or losses suffered during this reporting year, should report about available assets and liabilities and so on, as well as must determine the amount of due taxes. This whole economic information is submitted to the National Revenue Agency (NRA) and to the National Statistical Institute, as one fills in additionally certificates of book-keeping data, using their template. They can be filed electronically or on the spot with the relevant district offices of these institutions.

1. The preparation of an annual financial report for NRA.

2. The drawing-up of a tax return under Bulgaria’s Corporate Income Tax Act, together with all its appendixes and its submittal electronically.

3. The preparation of an annual statistical report and its submittal electronically.

Vesta Consult Accounting House offers this service as an individual package. For more details, please, look here.
